Hello everybody, finally here is my new list number 9. Again it took me forever to finish my new list, this time because of my new job for which I have to travel often and far. Anyway enough of the excuses, the list is done, take a look what I have and enjoy.
Some of the stuff I wanted to include in this list like the HO Metal figures from Germany I didn?t manage to get enough of to make it worth putting in the list. this remains a feature for the future.
I did add some new companies from Russia to my list like Zvezda and Hytty. They both produce HO figure sets. Both are very interesting and some of the Zvezda sets are so good that Italeri included them in the catalog. Check out the Medieval Russian Fort/Castle Zvezda makes. Also Emhar is new at producing HO figures but they are doing a great job at it and introduced 4 WWI sets, which are a great addition to this period.
One more thing you might want to take a special interest in is a little gem I found a while ago. The Roco ?Army Leaders World War II?(set #Z-271). This is more 1/87 scale but the deatil is great and it is a really rare item to find. For details please go to the Roco section of my list.
Have fun.
Last but not least some general information including the terms on how to order from me.
Unless noted everything on the list is mib. and in original package. Want lists are always welcome. To order send me an email or give me a call at my telephone number:
Tel.: 949-729-1001
After I confirmed availability please send the payment to my new address:
Werner Cajetan
P.O. Box 674
Laguna Beach, CA 92652-0674
I accept money orders, personal checks or in some cases cash. Personal checks are normally held till they clear if you are a first time customer. Sorry, but I don?t accept credit cards. There is no flat rate for shipping. I pretty much try to charge what it costs me to send the order to you. So if a priority package costs $3,20- I will charge $3,50- which will be the minimum rate. So even if you order only one set shipping will be appropriate. I do this because I hate it when I order just one set I need for my collection and then have to pay $5,50- or more for shipping with some people. Depending on weight the rate will increase of course.
Basically the same conditions apply for international customers. International money orders, money grams, money wires and especially travelers checks are welcome. I personally recommend the travelers checks as the best, because cheapest and safest way of sending payments to me. Travelers checks are mostly free or very cheap to obtain from your local Automobile club or bank and are also insured should they get lost in the mail. Shipping will be as close as possible to the estimated cost according to the postal guidelines for every individual country. If there are any questions please never hesitate to ask.
My email address for all inquiries is:
[email protected]
Sales List 9 is valid from October 12th 2000 on.
My sales list is divided in 7 categories:
1.) Catalogs, Magazines and Books Section:Airfix,
2.) HO Section: Academy, Accurate, Airfix, Airfix-Humbrol New Production, Atlantic, Call To Arms, EKO, Emhar, Esci, Giant, Gulliver, Hät, Hytty, Imex, Italeri, Marksmen, Matchbox, Nexus, Revell, Waterloo 1815, Zvezda.
3.) HO Armor Kit Section: Airfix, Esci, Fujimi, Matchbox.
4.) 1/32 ? 1/35 ? 54mm Section: Accurate(only on my website), Airfix, Armies In Plastic, Atlantic, Britains - Detail, Call To Arms(only on my website), Classic Toy Soldiers CTS(only on my website), Esci, Imex(only on my website), Matchbox, Revell, Timpo.
5.) Loose 1/32 ? 1/35 ? 54mm Figure Section:Airfix, Atlantic, Matchbox.
6.) 1/87 Tank/Vehicle Section:
Roco, Roskopf.
7.) Action Figure Section: Marx, Big Jim, Mr. Action.
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